In deep thoughts

Diner time

A hungy seagull on Fort LaLatte


The Caligo Butterfly open wings

Blijdorp Zoo, Rotterdam

My most favorite animal, the Cheetah

Snif snif

This Gorilla can really look at you with its soul... they are special animals.

Longwing Butterfly
I am not sure but I think this is a Long Wing Butterfly and it is also a very beautiful butterfly.

The Caligo Butterfly
The Caligo butterfly has beautiful bright blue wings which unfortunately are only visible when they are flying. This makes it very difficult to capture them on photo. When they are sitting very still, they hardly ever open their wings and the photographer has to do with the brown underside where very nice big "eyes" can be seen.

Bokito, may he Rest in Peace

The King of Lions a.k.a. Musafa

Bearded Monkey Two
What a model huh?

Bearded Monkey One
The enclosure for these monkeys is incredibly beautiful and really gives you the feeling that you are watching them in their natural habitat. Almost all the attributes they can use are natural.

Brown Bear Ouwehand Dierenpark
This photo was taken in one of the most beautiful bear enclosures in Ouwenhands Dierenpark Rhenen. These bears have access to a large piece of forest where they have to share the enclosure with wolves. Most bears have been imported from countries where they lived in very poor conditions. Far too small spaces, poor food or hugely mistreated. This zoo gives them a better life and more "freedom".

Stray Cat Italy, Grado
Taken with my old camera (KonicaMinolta) when i was on vacation in Italy. Alltho it is a old picture, i still love this one.